Learning Opportunities

Enhancing Pedagogy in the ERA of AI

Presented By

Sharon Skretting, Teacher Time Machine And Team

Series Sessions

Date Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM



Grade Levels

K-3, Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 9, Grades 10 - 12

Target audience: K-12 instructional leaders, pre-service teachers and teachers are encouraged to attend.

  • Part 1: LESSON PLANNING In part 1 we explore the lesson planning using the Understanding by Design model by Wiggins and McTighe. We know we should start with the end in mind (Alberta current curriculum learning outcomes), but how can we realistically do that in a reasonable amount of time? What should be in a good lesson? How do I align all my lessons to new curriculum? Find out how AI can assist teachers to enhance their pedagogy with a focus on student engagement and learn how to vet the lesson plans AI delivers. You can be the teacher you always wanted to be in less time! We can show you how. 


  • Part 2: THE PROBLEM OF CHEATING IN THE ERA OF AI: Afraid your students will cheat with AI? We’ll show you a myriad of ways to address this issue through your assessment practices as well as highlight tools that make best-practice assessment more efficient and effective than ever before!


  • Part 3: COMPLEXITY IN THE CLASSROOM: How can I meet the needs of all the kids in my class? Let’s dive into how AI can assist us to level up our ability to differentiate for our students in ways that were never before possible. You’ll walk away with processes and a variety of tools that will arm you with ways to meet students where they are at to keep them engaged and moving forward in their learning.

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