Learning Opportunities

Visible Learning for Literacy

Presented By

Douglas Fisher

Series Sessions

Date Time
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM


In Person Ramada Plaza Calgary Airport 3515-26 Street NE, Calgary, AB


Educators have been in search of “what works” for decades. Our collective search for better ways to reach students and ensure that they develop knowledge and skills has resulted in thousands and thousands of books, hundreds of thousands of research articles, and countless websites. The truth is nearly all things teachers do work when we ask what improves student achievement. But only a few things work at ensuring that students gain a full year’s worth of growth for a year of enrollment in school, and we think it’s time we focused on what works, what doesn’t work, and what can’t hurt. To do this, we turned to John Hattie and his Visible Learning (Hattie, 2009) research for help. With him, Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey wrote Visible Learning for Literacy (Fisher, Frey Hattie, 2016). As this work makes clear, students must develop surface-level knowledge if they are ever going to go deep. And we know that deep learning can facilitate transfer, which has been a goal shared by educators for as long as there have been teachers. 

During the session, participants will:

  • Learn how to apply the principles of Visible Learning research to the literacy classroom
  • Understand the three phases of learning—surface, deep and transfer—and the unique importance of each
  • Learn which literacy practices have the greatest impact on student growth (and which have the least) to maximize and strategize teaching time
  • Understand how to use the right approach at the right time, so you can more intentionally design classroom experiences that hit the surface, deep and transfer phases of learning

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