Learning Opportunities

Uncomplicating Climate Change for the Alberta Classroom Teacher (Gr 3-12)

Presented By

Cayley Webber & Christine Avey

Series Sessions

Date Time
Friday, November 24, 2017 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM


In Person Ramada Plaza Calgary Airport 3515-26 Street NE, Calgary, AB


Have you ever:

  • wished you had more of a background about the specifics of Climate Change so that you could easily, honestly, and inquisitively bring the topic to your students without it feeling overwhelmed, off topic, or scary?
  • found yourself wanting to improve the energy and environmental literacy of your students in a way that is just as meaningful and informative for you as well?
  • considered the natural engagement of Competencies through studying energy and environmental opportunities and realities in Alberta?

The climate is changing around the globe. Sea levels are rising, flooding is increasing, wildfires are prominent and burning out of control, air quality is diminishing, and agriculture is struggling to keep up with the demands of increasing populations – all as a result of a warming and changing climate. In part, climate change can be attributed to natural causes, but these monumental and often devastating realities can primarily be attributed to human activity, namely the burning of fossil fuels.

This topic may seem intimidating, abstract, or overwhelming especially when we as teachers, principals and school boards imagine navigating this topic with K – 12 students. Competencies provide a helpful framework for student learning in this area by providing “competencies for engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit.”

The PEEL Project (People for Energy and Environmental Literacy) is a one-day professional development workshop designed for upper elementary teachers and school principals to gain understanding, confidence, and tools to bring age appropriate topics of climate change into your school. This is not a curriculum to follow as much as tools to invite innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, global awareness, civic engagement and sharpened communication skills in your classroom.

The PEEL Project gives you:

  • science based research about the current climate in Alberta
  • connections with industry experts to come into your classroom and work with your students
  • teacher- and student-friendly language to expand learning about energy, efficiency, sustainability and the environment
  • 10 complete lessons to modify, apply, and use at will
  • skills for talking about climate change that are developmentally fitting for your grade
  • assessment tools
  • a teacher mentor to connect with as you incorporate climate learning in your classroom

This learning opportunity is being offered through curriculum implementation funding from Alberta Education.

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