Learning Opportunities

Cultivating Readers for Life – Building Reading Communities

Presented By

Jane Roberts & Jodi Taylor

Series Sessions

Date Time
Tuesday, March 07, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM



Grade Levels

Grades 7 - 9, Grades 10 - 12

Target Audience: Gr 7-12 teachers, educational assistants, administrators and instructional leaders are encouraged to attend.

At the core of powerful reading communities is habitual readers with strong reading identities. With click-and-go reading on the rise, protecting instructional time for deep reading in our classrooms is more important than ever. In this session we will explore approaches to cultivate joyful reading practices, discover opportunities for students to develop positive reading identities, and consider instructional decisions required to develop depth, stamina, and passion in adolescent readers.  

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